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St. Hedwig Pony Baseball

Registration Listing

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There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Spring Registration Fees


What is “Pony” Baseball and how is it different than Little League Baseball?

A: Pony baseball is competitive youth baseball league with an emphasis on teaching the game of baseball for all youth who wish to play.  Pony baseball differs from Little League baseball in a few aspects.  First, players play in their respective age division based on their age no matter their ability. Little League can have multiple ages in one division.  In Pony, kid pitch begins at the age of seven and full baseball rules begin at the age of 9.  In Pony, pitching distance and base distances grow as the players age grows.  In Little League, the mound is set at one distance and the base distance remains a constant.   

Q: What are the age levels/divisions for players?

Foal T-Ball (Age 4)

Shetland Machine Pitch (Ages 5-6)

Pinto (Ages 7-8) - (40 ft mound, 60 ft bases)

Mustang (Ages 9-10) - (46 ft mound, 60 ft bases)

Bronco (Ages 11-12) - (50 ft mound, 70 ft bases)

Q: When is registration?

A: Online registration is now through December 31, 2024.

Q: What if I don’t register by December 31, 2024?

A: Players will be placed on a wait list and will only be contacted if an opening is available. No exceptions.

Q: When does the season start?

A: Practices for the spring season may officially begin on January 11, 2025 with Opening Day taking place on Saturday, February 22, 2025.

Q: Where will practices be held?

A: Practices will be held at St. Hedwig Pony Baseball Fields, LAUSD elementary schools, such as Rossmoor Elem., LAE Elem, Etc., and Laurel Park. Practice days and times are determined by team manager.

Q: Where are the games played?

A: All games are played at the St. Hedwig Pony Baseball Fields, with some exceptions made for "friendly" games with other local leagues.

Q: Are there tryouts and when will they be held?

A:  All registered players will be assigned to a team regardless of ability, however we do conduct a Player Evaluation Day on Saturday, January 4, 2025. at the St. Hedwig Pony Baseball Fields.This enables our coaches to draft competitively balanced teams at each division.

Q: What should we bring to tryouts?

A: Players should come dressed and prepared to play baseball. They will need to bring the following items to the evaluation day: helmet, bat, glove, cleats, and wear a protective cup.

Q: Who manages/coaches the teams?

A: Managers and Coaches are volunteers. They are mostly parents. All Managers, Coaches and Volunteers that have regular contact with players are required to pass a background check,  pass concussion training and be certified as passing Safe Haven training.

Q: What kinds of bats are allowed?

A: All bats must be USA Certified and have the USA Stamp on them in order to be used. Here is a list of approved USA bats.

Q: What days are the games played? 

A: Games are on Saturdays and after Daylight Savings Time (end of March) we play one midweek game typically on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. There are no games on Sunday.

Q: What time are the games played?

A: Our typical schedule is as follows: Midweek games are for Pinto, Mustang and Bronco and are played at 5 pm, Saturday games for Shetland/Foal are at 8:00am with Pinto, Mustang and Bronco games following around 9:30, noon and 2:30pm.  St. Hedwig does not have lights so games must end before it gets dark.

Q: Can we request a friend to play with? 

A: We will do our best to pair a friend with your child as long as we can maintain a competitive balance amongst the teams in the league.

Q: Can I request a certain coach?

A: Yes, as long as we can maintain a competitive balance amongst the teams in the league.

Q: My child has very little experience and/or is smaller than other kids his or her age. Can he/she be placed in a lower division?

As a general rule, we encourage players to play in the division that is appropriate for their age. We do, however, evaluate players at the tryouts. If, in the judgment of the division director, a player's inexperience would put them at risk of injury in the age appropriate division, the director will recommend to the parent that the child play down a division. If you wish to have your child considered to play down please contact us.

Q: Can my child play up a level?

We prefer that players play in their correct age group. However, per the recent PONY rule change with age cut off being reverted back to April 30th, we will allow players who were born May through August to play up one division as outlined in the Age Chart as they would have moved up prior to the age change. 

Q: What do I need to volunteer for? 

Field Maintenance day shift is one day, 4 hours.  At the end of your shift you will get your $100 deposit back.  One snack shack shift per player and then you will get your snack shack deposit check back.  Each team is also responsible for a scorekeeper for home games and a team sponsor.

St. Hedwig Pony Baseball

Mailing address:, PO BOX 5371
Los Alamitos, California 90720
Email : [email protected]
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